1 more month to prepare and submit your application!
You still have 1 month left to register your participation and submit your application for the 3rd edition of the Digital Twins Trophies – Digital Twins Trophies, of which Autodesk is a Platinum Sponsor.

Up to 8 projects will be rewarded 🏆 by the jury of experts chaired by Nabil Anwer, including one project nominated by the public.
Implementation studies, supervision and management of a project, asset management and predictive or preventive maintenance, environmental monitoring, simulation and management of climate risks… the use cases of a digital twin for construction and territories are numerous.
The competition is free (participation fees are offered by Twin+), open to international audiences. You must validate your participation as soon as possible and submit the complete application (in French or English) before February 6th, 2025.
As a reminder, you must provide:
- 🎥 1 video of less than 10 minutes (not specifically created for the competition, but explaining your process and how your digital twin works),
- 📄 1 detailed form around 16 points,
- 📸 4 images illustrating your digital twin.
it’s now time to apply as fast as possible:
=> t-jn.fr
Autodesk, convinced of the importance of digital twins (notably through its Autodesk Tandem solution) has been a sponsor at the highest level of this important event since 2024.